Rocky Point Charanga Derby

Rocky Point Charanga Derby, 2016.

Rocky Point Charanga Derby Castaways
If you are planning to visit Puerto Peñasco this summer and are looking for any event out of the ordinary, we recommend that you register in the first Rocky Point Charanga Derby also known as the "Soap Box Derby". The event will take place on Saturday July 23th at 5 p.m on the hill of "El Mirador" in the Campeche street. So prepare your car for a good time of fun. Registration begins in July 2nd at the Casa Hogar José Davalos and it is $400 pesos per team. All the money raised anger directly to help the asylum of elders José Davalos Valdivia.

To all fans of races but especially of the amateur vehicle construction.

The event consists of careers of carts of propulsion (not engines neither nor system of pedals), every team will construct its ideal vehicle to lower the hill of the lookout to 35 Kmph, to continue on the track, to skip on the ramp, coming in the least possible time to the goal with everything, the two best carts with better time will play the stellar career for the first place!

Rocky Point Charanga Derby Castaways Rocky Point Charanga Derby Castaways Rocky Point Charanga Derby Castaways

Build your ideal vehicle type "Soap Box" down the hill to the "Mirador" to 35 Kmph continue on the track and jump over the ramp, reached in less time as possible to the finish with your team behind you!

To register you can call 638 384-6166 to find out where to sign up. Teams will consist of the car built by a 5 member team. There are no engines in these cars but then again it is all down hill. There will trophies for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place as well as prizes and certificates donated by local restaurants, bars and merchants.

This is sure to be the event of the summer here in Puerto Peñasco. Get started today building your car and if you don't remember where Mirador Hill is, it is up the hill on the way to Baja Cantina (Campache Street). Needless to say this is quite a steep hill.

Rocky Point Charanga Derby Castaways